
In times of Sickness

179 Days to Prepare. I got the flu, but I did realise some things...

In times of Sickness

179 Days to Prepare. North-Holland, The Netherlands.

As I recently came down with the flu rather badly I was shocked with how little energy I had to get to my feet. Due to not having gotten groceries yet, there was no easy accessible way for me to replenish this energy.

A “last resort ration” is maybe something that would be good to have, think along the lines of a protein bar or other energy dense food.

Add to MUST-Haves: “last resort ration”

Technical Update

The new web page seems easy to use now, and if all goes right, the creation of new posts should be easily done even through my smartphone. I will still want to tweak a few things about the homepage, but I think I’m almost ready to publish the new site.

First I do want to try to make it dual-lingual, but if that fails, I will keep posting in English

Southward Bound!

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